Thursday, January 29, 2009

Let it Snow! Let it Ice! Let it freeze us all!

Merry late Christmas! lol Cincinnati's weather has been awesome this week! We have gotten probably 7 in. of snow. (to be honest I'm not really sure how much) lol Plus we have ice on the trees which makes them beautiful! The ACA high school and academy are on their 3rd snow day and collage had 2 snow days! I've had 2 part snow days, but today I finally went back to my full load! Tuesday I went sledding twice with Adam and some other girls from GBS. We had fun! The first time we went there was just snow and it was like you were sledding under the snow instead of on top of it! Then we got the ice after that and we tried to go sledding again. I'm so in the mood to go right now! lol Wednesday, I got up at 11 something in the morning, ate brunch, and Esther came over to do school and whatch a movie. The Great Escape! So sad but the actors can be funny at the same time! Esther and I laughed at a part where a guy had a brief case that he wanted to escape with, and we thought that was about as bad as us wanting to take our purses with us! lol lol :p Aren't we hilarious? You probably would have to watch the movie if you're not sure of what I'm talking about. Well, I'm probably just rambling on about nothing so I'll quit! Got to do English and Speech anyway. FUN FUN FUN!!!! JKJKJKJKJK!!!! lol


Madam Marjorie said...

sounds like fun! I can pretty much go out without a coat...wanna trade? LOL jk I did'nt remeber that you're taking speech...that makes 2 of us! love ya!

Madam Marjorie said...

oh, P.S. I haven't gotten to see any pics of the snow up there. Could you put some on? :(

Esther said...

you need to put those pics of us on!!

Kate said...

Which pics?

Madam Marjorie said...

possssssssssss-tuh! sniff...puh-leezy-ga-wheezy? LOL If you haven't posted in forever, that probably means life is either really exciting, or dreadfully boring. Hope it's the exciting option!

Kate said...

Life is going I guess busy. Actually the flu got me so that's probably one of the main reasons.